Welcome to “The Sustainability” - the space where I will share everything that I think is important to know about SWF’s path to becoming a company with a conscious product and an accountable way of production. I wholeheartedly believe that in order to make an informed decision you need to be just that - informed.
When I first started developing my idea into a real business (I can’t believe I’m here!), the realities of the modern, globalised textile industry and the compromises I had to take in order to actually get this going were daunting. But my dream for the company was never going to stand in my way to simply “do” something.
You will also get some insights into the process of renovating our house in the US, and how I try my best to make that as conscious as possible (reclaimed furniture anyone?), all while incorporating as many of my fabrics as I can, of course!
Down the line I hope to interview some cool and interesting people that have influenced me over the years, and what they have learned from their own path to becoming a more conscious consumer.
While this might sound very bloggy, don’t worry, I still want to sell you to my beautiful textiles! But I’ve always found it really interesting to read more about the motivation behind a brand and so I decided to share more about the orbit SWF lives in and the reasons behind the choices I’ve made.
I can’t wait to take you on this journey with me!